Friday, June 16, 2006

A Welfare Rant....

from an internet quiz i was taking....

Should the government financially support those who are unable to provide for themselves?

Depends on the support....So many variables. I'm Very Pro assistance for children *ANY*: WIC, HeadStart, afterschool programs, healthcare, arts & music, activies, enrichment programs, ALL education. Feed them & help them now, or pay for major illness, poverty, uneducated workforce & incarceration later...

With adults, its trickier. I dont quite hold with unlimited handouts, which foster dependency & spiraling down of self-worth. But at the same time, situations that some people are trapped within make it impossible to change the circumstances of their lives. I've known people who werent able to accept Any part-time job, because they'd lose too much to make ends meet for basic expenses. Now, what kind of Insane system is that?Everyone needs/has to be given opportunity for: job skills, employable education, training, perhaps various life management their own enviroment)(e.g. being taught by their parents)....Society has to stop cutting off people who are at least trying to take steps toward independance. There's no incentives otherwise. It should be a gradual weaning, with their income kept at the slightly above the poverty line, and job skills training & incentives as they expand their earned income. Once a person is fully functioning in the workplace, they contribute more & arent as likely to return to a subsidized life.

No one really likes NOT earning their own way or being dependent,,,,but the current systems beat those impulses outta them...

My attitude is pour tons of $$$ in at the start, and system will wind up saving tons more in the long run. We're so short-sighted in this country; only focused on the short-term bottom line. And welfare case/socal workers are the most underpaid & overworked people on the planet...

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