Saturday, May 27, 2006

a day in the life....

your basic summary of a days’ events:

  • wake up on futon at about 6:30am, take meds (late), change clothes & crawl into “real” bed

  • call mom to see how her first day home went; listen sympathetically to her std litany of negativity

  • wake up again @ 12:30pm, brew coffee, turn on NPR, feed kitties & change out their water dishes

  • limp around apartment painfully due first riding lesson in 14 years yesterday (oooo, ouch—had completely FORGOT i had inner thigh groin muscles !!)

  • sit down at computer to balance checkbook, check emails, distribute accumulated cheers on 43T, ck bids on eBay

  • attempt organization of closet i tore apart searching for my old riding helmet yesterday

  • write unpleasantly difficult emails to several folks i owed apologies to

  • refill coffee cup, briefly ponder eating something with it

  • decide this would be a good time to check on possible weight loss to due med change—woo hoo! 6lbs lost!!

  • receive a phone call from one the po’d people i'd apologized to via email; discuss ramifications & reach some resolution

  • make phone calls to check on status of my car repairs: get run-around between auto shop, insurance company, rental car office, claims adjuster

  • still not start cleaning out litterbox

  • still not head out to Grocery store, tho i’m out of coffee for a.m., still juggling limited funds & how to cover all all $$ needs for next several days

  • 3:00 PM: turn off NPR & on Dr Phil,,,listen to show while searching the want ads and on Monster.Com

  • 4:00PM: turn off TV & turn on music, decide i’m finally hungry for first time of the day, fix bowl of canned salmon with tomato-basil dressing, canned german potato salad, grilled cheese burger and sauteed onions

  • take daily mid-day nap due to maxxing into fatigue, reading some of my books till drifting off

  • wake again at 6:15PM, watch part of NewsHour, then ABC nightly news

  • receive phone call from my one Aunt, co-ordinate plans to drive my other Aunt out to stay & take care of my mother for the next month

  • vegg on couch watching 2 Friends episodes, due to heat & lethargy, sipping water (even the kitties are splayed on floor, not wanting to move) to due increasing humidity

  • finally get up off couch @ 8PM, doing various things around apartment, putting things away (like laundry), cleaning up kitchen, carrying out some trash, checking on mail, continue-organizing closet while half-watching movie “Mona Lisa Smile” on network TV, play catch, fetch & chase with kitties

  • continue avoiding starting on cleaning out litterbox

  • decide that the movie “Mona Lisa Smile”, tho a cliched cloying premise, actually has some good performances from Maggie Gyllenhall, Kirsten Dunst, Julia Stiles

  • 11:00PM: decide i’ll run out to grocery store right after i watch this episode of “Sex in the City”

  • see that Lewis Black (my fav comedian!) is being profiled on Nightline, put off going to grocery store

  • 12:00AM: decide i’m really going to go to the grocery store right after this re-run of “Sex in the City” & intro monologue of Criag Ferguson

  • sometime after 12:43AM: sleepily decide from couch that i can always run to grocery store first thing in the A.M.

  • sometime after 1:20AM: doze off on couch during the last part of Criag Ferguson

  • ‘wake around 6:15AM on couch with the two puds perched on either side of me, take meds & make the lateral move to my “real” bed….

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