Sunday, May 8, 2005

kittens are the elixir of Life.....

....well, i've rather distracted this past week, as i've taken on a new volunteer opportunity...being a foster home for strays, until they can be placed in good homes. So at the moment, i have in my charge a momma cat & her three 3wk old kittens. We were told to name the kitties by family names, so that they could be more easily ID'd for Vet Records, so after checking out their personalities for a day or so, decided on Gusty, Francine and James (a black tabby, a tiger calico and one orange and white) One of my favorite writers in the world, Annie Lamott, in her journal on the first year of her son's life, talks about how she sat around all the time just staring face to face with her newborn, and calling it "Putting on the Sam Channel" I feel about the same , that i've shifted from the computer & TV to a steady diet of the The Kitten Network -- All Kittens, All The Time.....
There is much to recommend kittens to soothe one's soul. I wish my life revolved around a husband and children and classes at school, but instead its currently focused on a cat & kittens, my job search & papers past due....but kitten do have a way of getting one out of your mono-problems-focus, and into a zen-like pleasure of simplicity. the kitties are all right on the edge of learning to play, and watching them figure this process out is both fascinating and hilarious. I saw one raise his paw as if to pounce on some imaginary prey, then become entranced with the motion of his own paw moving back and forth in front of his eyes. And even better are those moments as they suddenly realize they can run, and run for a distance -- they are just startled by this information as they are thrilled ~ and that electricity of knowledge light s me up just as much (you might as well know, my first degree was in veterinary technology, so watching animals all day long is not a new hobby)

"Clearing skies and drying eyes,

now you’ll see a smile.

Darkness goes and softness shows

a changing style.

Just in time, words that rhyme,

well bless your soul.

Now I'll fill your hands with kisses and

a Tootsie Roll.

Reality, it's not for me

and it makes me laugh.

*But in this fluffy world where kittens twirl

I'm coming back....."

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