Wednesday, October 24, 2007

** Sunday * Showdown * Sunday ** !!

'Last show of the season,,,,and i may have not only won the Points championship for Intermediate English, but may have snagged the Reserve Championship for Intermediate Western too...
well, check one goal off the list for the year -- rhis seems to be the only thing i Can do: win lots of ribbons. Nothing else of this year has worked out
i've lamented again, to Karen, Dr S, others, that my problems seem to always be the same, i cant ever seem to change the circumstances of my life, only repeat the same series of failures. Maybe its just a proverbial, post-loss-of-job blues. Its just so damn Deja Vu for me, how it always seems to turn out. i dont know anyone who loses so many jobs, has so many repeated financial troubles, winds up in traffic court again and again. All i'd have to do is be hospitalized & lose a baby and this year would not much different than 1984, 1987, 1990, 1992, 2004......
yeesh good lord yeesh....

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