Sunday, October 14, 2007

"...and i want to complicate the hell out of it"

(Some lines from a bad movie...)

he said: We're friends, we have a few laughs... keep it simple.
she said: Well, has it always been simple or has there ever been anyone complicated?

he said : Be reasonable about this. .....Let's not complicate things.
she said: Oh, I forgot, you like things simple.
he said: Yeah.

he said: You're right. My life is too simple. And I wanna complicate the hell out of it...


...i dont know what it is about dialogue from bad movies that strikes me as so true-------------- for me. Maybe that it's so unsubtle and lacking in nuance -- so that the points being made are right there on the surface. But it's happened now more than several times, so that its becoming downright revelatory.

I've said it on more than a few occasions. I've played my life very safe. People commend me being "smart" not to have bad marriages, unwanted children. But more & more, i find this less and less an accomplishment. Life IS messy. Life SHOULD be complicated. All of my "smart" choices have left me in a desert of disconnection. Yeah, there's lots about my life that i enjoy. But it's embroidery on anything that's really meaningful.

I'm tired of an "embroidery-only" life. One life is all that anyone gets. And i want to complicate the hell out of it

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