Sunday, July 1, 2007

poetical in review

It’s now been 14+ months since the Poetry Writers group i created really took off, and has continued going strong... So pleased -- we’ve got a good tight group of serious writers, who each bring wonderful qualities to our monthly meet & critique. created a monthly “challenge” or poetry prompt for everyone to write a poem from,,,,,and i have successfully been meeting that personal challenge each time. Also, having the disipline of ‘1 poem deadline’ each month, it follows that the creative juices are further stimulated, and i often start or complete another 1-3 poems each month, depending. ‘Which is the whole trick of being a writer -To write and write and write, keep that creative muscle limber & Buff...


All my poems need polishing, but here's

titles of everything i’ve created over the past year:

Never the Night Before
Caesura in my Thirties
Vino Blanco Rapt
The party
Homebound in the Guggenheim
A Poetry Reading in Venice
Scenes of Unimportance
and the streetlamp’s still on
Reading in Retrospect
in my bed…
Peppermint Gates
the Classics
Stillborn mother father

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